Have Your Say – Open Public Consultations

Have Your Say – Open Public Consultations

Planning for Growth TCDC needs your feedback on their Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan and their Shoreline Management Plans. Council has two significant pieces of work underway to help them plan for thriving and resilient communities over the next 30 plus years....
Solid Waste contracts to be awarded in July 2022

Solid Waste contracts to be awarded in July 2022

TCDC will be preparing to award solid waste contracts in July 2022 after receiving tenders. The contracts will not begin until mid 2023, however, some elements of the contracts require a lead time of 12 months or more for the contractor to gear up with the equipment...
WRRA makes progress on solid waste project with TCDC

WRRA makes progress on solid waste project with TCDC

WRRA has been proactive over the last 12 months in helping to form the Mercury Bay Resource Recovery Centre (MBRRC), a registered charitable trust. Two of our committee (Len Salt and Kerryn Wakelin) are trustees and founder members of MBRRC. MBRRC was created to help...