Solid Waste contracts to be awarded in July 2022

Solid Waste contracts to be awarded in July 2022

TCDC will be preparing to award solid waste contracts in July 2022 after receiving tenders. The contracts will not begin until mid 2023, however, some elements of the contracts require a lead time of 12 months or more for the contractor to gear up with the equipment...
Sherriff Block Development Submission

Sherriff Block Development Submission

WRRA made a submission to TCDC on a proposal for a dedicated off lead dog park and dog agility facility as part of the Sherriff Block development. Click HERE to read our proposal….      ...
Long Term Plan 2021

Long Term Plan 2021

February 2021 Update Council has been working on the draft Long Term Plan. This is the most important document that any Council has to prepare. It is the blueprint for almost everything that council aims to do over the next 10 years. The LTP is a rolling document....
Have Your Say – Open Consultations

Have Your Say – Open Consultations

December 2020 Update The “pre-consultation” period for making submissions on the LTP has now closed; however, we still encourage people to email or write to the council if they have anything that they want to say. The same process and contact details apply...
Water Demand Strategy Submissions

Water Demand Strategy Submissions

Submissions Closing 30th October 2020 TCDC is undertaking a review of its Water Demand Strategy and has opened this up for public submissions. The water situation in Whitianga is something that the WRRA board is passionate about, and we know there are many others out...