Have Your Say – Open Public Consultations

Have Your Say – Open Public Consultations

Planning for Growth TCDC needs your feedback on their Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan and their Shoreline Management Plans. Council has two significant pieces of work underway to help them plan for thriving and resilient communities over the next 30 plus years....
Have Your Say – Open Public Consultations

Have Your Say – Open Public Consultations

Current Items for Consultation - October 2021 See below for some of the upcoming TCDC policies, strategies and plans that are currently open for public consultation. Local Alcohol Policy Review 2021CLOSES: Mon 29th November 2021, 4pm We’re seeking feedback on...
Have Your Say – Open Public Consultations

Have Your Say – Open Consultations

December 2020 Update The “pre-consultation” period for making submissions on the LTP has now closed; however, we still encourage people to email or write to the council if they have anything that they want to say. The same process and contact details apply...
Have Your Say – Open Public Consultations

Have Your Say

Other Policies Currently Open for Public Submissions - October 2020 See below for some of the upcoming TCDC policies, strategies and plans that are currently open for public consultation. The first two close TODAY (Mon 19th Oct). Make sure your voice is heard on these...