
Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association Incorporated

Whitianga Residents and Ratepayers Association is an incorporated society, whose purpose is to promote the interests of Whitianga Residents and Ratepayers. Get involved and make a positive contribution to your community.

Our Association is only as strong as the members who join and support us. We are new but want to grow rapidly. We aim to keep you informed on the following subjects:

Council issues, Rate Increases, Local Roading, Waste Management, Coastlines & beaches, Crime Prevention plus more.

Annual membership rates are: The year runs from 01 April – 31 March.

  • $15 a year (single full voting membership),
  • $25 a year (couple’s full voting membership)
  • Associate (non-voting) membership (outside our geographical area) is $10 per annum.


The primary objective of the Whitianga Residents’ & Ratepayers’ Association Inc. is to understand the needs, to safeguard and advance interests of the community and to be a representative voice of the people to Thames-Coromandel District Council and other agencies. 

2024/2025 Membership Fees are due NOW.

Please pay your annual membership fee into the bank account listed below. Use the first initial of your First name and your Surname as a reference. (Example: JSMITH)

The WRRA bank account number is: 02-0496-0129456-000

If you would like to pay by cash please email whitiangarra@gmail.com to make arrangements.

What we do for you


Publish a monthly newsletter with updates on issues that affect our members


Attend full council and community board meetings as observers and report back to our members


Research, prepare and make submissions to Council on issues that affect our members


Research the key infrastructure elements that Council is responsible for and ensure our members are fully informed about what is happening with these vital services


Identify positive and constructive initiatives that we feel will provide long-term benefits to the community


Work closely with GreyPower Mercury Bay on issues which impact both organisations and our members


August 2023 Newsletter

Kia ora and welcome

AGM 2023 election results

AGM news

Mission statement, vision and membership drive


Whitianga Water Supply

As we get closer to summer and the warmer weather starts kicking in, long-term weather forecasts and water supplies become hot topics! We’ll keep you posted on these issues. 


“Promoting the interests of Whitianga Residents’ and Ratepayers’”

Geographical Area

The map shows our geographical area, and is designed to cover the parts of Whitianga and the surrounding area which are NOT already serviced by a current Residents’ and/or Ratepayers’ Association. The area covered to the North is Harbour Lights Terrace, Whitianga and to the South to Kapowai Road, Coroglen.

Map of Whitianga Residents and Ratepayers Association boundaries

Public & Media Relations

Chairperson:  Richard Shelford-Woodcock

Vice Chairperson:  Tony Fox

Secretary:  Emma Gaunt

Treasurer:  Geoff Jervis

Committee Member:  Flemming Rasmussen

Committee Member:  Caroline Hobman

All email correspondence to [email protected]
Social Media – https://www.facebook.com/whitiangarra

We want to hear from you

Get In Touch

What are the most pressing issues and concerns that residents and ratepayers in Whitianga have?...

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